3 words

00:52 / Posted by sonya.s / comments (0)

IRC family, 

I write you from Dubai with a nice tan and a stomach filled with anxiety. On my way to Senegal this evening, which i am very excited about as well.
 I just woke up to many messages from some of you about the IRC retreat this weekend and my eyes honestly filled with tears. To the new members of the family: I am so glad you got experience that. To the old members of the family: I am so glad you got to experience that.
My first instinct was a feeling of almost-regret (i generally don't allow full fledged regret. no space for that in my life!!)  (Should I have stayed in NY this semester? I am really about to figure out this whole teleportation business, shouldn't that be an iphone app by now??)  But then I replaced that thought with three words that to me mean a lot about what the people of the irc do, and who the people of the irc are (the two are but the same, no?) Here it goes: 


[en-door, -dyoor]verb, -dured, -dur⋅ing.

–verb (used without object)
4.to continue to exist; last
5.to support adverse force or influence of any kind; suffer without yielding; suffer patiently: 



–verb (used with object)
1.to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: to transcend the limits of thought; kindness transcends courtesy.
2.to outdo or exceed in excellence, elevation, extent, degree, etc.; surpass; excel.


[cheynj]  verb, changed, chang⋅ing,noun

–verb (used with object)
1.to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name
2.to transform or convert (usually fol. by into): 
4.to give and take reciprocally; interchange: to change places with someone.
5.to transfer from one (conveyance) to another: You'll have to change planes in Chicago
8.to remove and replace the covering or coverings of: to change a bed; to change a baby.
–verb (used without object)
9.to become different

to become altered or modified: Colors change if they are exposed to the sun.
11.to become transformed or converted (usually fol. by into):The toad changed into a prince again.
16.(of the moon) to pass from one phase to another.
18.the act or fact of changing; fact of being changed.
19.a transformation or modification; alteration: They noticed the change in his facial expression.
20.a variation or deviation: a change in the daily routine.
23.the passing from one place, state, form, or phase to another: a change of seasons; social change.

to come through the doors of a brownstone on 114th with a story full of adversity. or no adversity. (maybe too cushioned a life that left your heart yearning for knowledge cause it knew it was missing some greater insight.) or maybe too much insight that it was crippling- of your own womyn(ness)/color/sexuality/class.... but you are given the tools not to forget, not to turn a blind eye, but to transcend and grow and change. change like maybe you change your mind on what bell hooks really means, change like maybe you grow and grow different, or maybe you affect the person next to you (or even in the frat next door-hah!). one of my favourite parts of that definition was to give and take reciprocally-- interchange. (ask  mike when he's next making bake and break cookies)

and what i like most about "change" is that it is a verb and a noun simultaneously. it is but only cause it does, and it does but only cause it is. 

and that tree in the picture? it was on the street here. it was a tree that decided it was going to endure 114 degree middle east heat, its roots were going to break through and transcend the wall that fought to stop its growth, and it was going to change the broken-down-rubble-filled street around it that never could've suspected its growth. and its change and its might would leave a little shaded solace for anyone who might by with a camera. 

IRC family, 
i know i will be growing on the edge of my comfort circle, and that you will too. i am so happy when i think of all of you and the ways you are moving and shaking. write me often, i miss you already (and those of you i havent met properly- im so excited!) 

IRC family,

i see you43 up8 down love it hate it
Used when a person does something remarkable, noteworthy, or just downright wierd.


09:49 / Posted by monire / comments (0)

hello everyone,
so today is bacchanal...have you tried googling this? it's all about revelry....therefore i think we should make sure the event holds true to its name (show the bands/artists support! go with friends! enjoy the sun! part-ay!) 3-5, low, be there

also, to wrap up the day, come to the irc's open mic (midnight cypher) from 11pm to 1am

okay, i gotta get going (am out of town so i won't be seeing you all until sunday) have a wonderful BACCHANAL!!!!!!!


Long overdue (Nadi Thursdays)

09:45 / Posted by monire / comments (0)

This post goes out to Destiny! Haha. I've been bad at keeping you all updated/supplied with my favorite BBC News bits. The link enclosed is about a woman who did not know she had a bullet stuck in her cheek for 12 years! *Ouch* Right?

Anyways, I hope your Thursday was Nadi....and since it's Saturday, you may as well have a Nadi Saturday too =D

Keep this weekend of holy weeks holy!


Internacional IRC lovin!

19:20 / Posted by IRC Community / comments (0)

Hello from Ecuador!
Everyone says part of studying abroad is learning more about your home country from a different context and as it turns out I've been reflecting a lot recently on the value of the IRC because of the sociocultural context relating to themes like diversity and tolerance is completel different here.
In the IRC we use the phrase "safe space" everyday, but I never really understood its value until I was really outside of it. Let me tell you that in the IRC we live in a house of tolerance and openness, within a university that is a bubble of liberalism and general liberal-arts based openness, within a city that is a bubble of diversity and within a country that is also at least politically correct. Concepts that are norms within the contexts of these expanding circles of community, like race as a social construct, political correctness or at least consciousness of the use of racially-referenced terminology, general knowledge of other cultures, are often completely novel here.
The first week I was here I got into a fierce argument with my host Dad as I tried to convince him that the world was not composed of three races, yellow, black, and white (which is he was taught in primary school) but is, as any sociology or anthropology student at Barnard will tell you with a yawn, a social construct. Then my host mom told me about how her host daughter had been dating a Chinese guy but that the daughter decided that it wouldn't work out because they were from different countries. Here they still use the phrase "indio" to denote not only indigenous people but also people who "lack culture" or are stupid. I would say there about 10 afro-ecuadorians in my entire university (it is the only private and most elite university in Ecuador). The other day in my class we discussing xenofobia and a girl in my class said "I am not xenophobic, but I wouldn't ever want to live next to a Chinese family because their cooking smells so bad." On that note, here "Chino y chinita" are used for everything remotely Asian, to the point that my host Dad asked me if I liked sushi (assuming that it was a traditional food of my Chinese culture). Another kid in my class found out that I was Jewish and asked me with complete honest curiousity "what is a Jew?"

Its interesting because one thing that many ecuadorians will say about their country is that it is full of cultural diversity. But the diversity they are exposed to is mostly the mixing of the Quichua indigenous population, those of spanish decent and much inbetween. It is not to say that people here are entirely xenophobic and prejudiced, but simply that the level of daily consciousness that we carry within Columbia/Barnard and especially within the IRC is completely foreign. Coming from a safe space like the IRC, its amazing how disonant and surprising a passing culturally ignorant comment can seem.

Today in my Ser y Cosmos class (a general liberal arts requirement class that juxtaposes classical western texts with ecuadorian identity) I had to present on the theme of identity and globalization and I had the class do the "Identity Walks" exercise that we play on the IRC retreat. This game consists of asking a group of people to decide where their identity falls under a given category and organize themselves into groups with those of similar ideas. The category of social classes failed completely- despite the fact that latin america in general is known for having a strong index of economic inequality, no one seemed to know what the term meant or even where they would be. My guess is that in a university that is 95% upper-middle class, there simply isn't the consciousness of the subtle effects that class identity can have as an everyday privilege or obstacle. The exercise in general went really quickly- i'd say in 15 minutes or less we had exhausted 6 categories, whereas on the IRC retreat it took us a half-hour of longer to get through about 4. What the class observed is that everyone simply found their group as quickly as possible, often forming only two or three groups. In the IRC we always had a multitude of small groupings defining their position with subtle degrees of difference from the next, as well as many people standing alone or straddling groups. To be fair, the class is only about 20 people, which is a much smaller group than we had on the IRC retreat. However another comment the class offered is that here in Ecuador, students are used to being guided or following a leader (this is very much a result of an education system based on rote-learning) and so everyone (including the professor) took the task very literally and simply grouped themselves around the first few students to shout out ideas. It reminded me that students in IRC especially have learned to articulate their identities and the context of diversity and learning highlights these unique constructions.

Finally, ironically it is here in Ecuador that I've finally began to understand the use of the term "intercultural" (as opposed to multicultural, polycultural etc) which I'd always used in the IRC without really understanding its specific meaning. In Ecuador writings on "interculturalidad" center on bilingual/bicultural education for indigenous students, it is also a favorite term of those who write about study abroad as experiential education. As one might guess from the word itself interculturality focuses on learning from the spaces that occur from encounters between two cultures. Its the learning that takes place not from studying something in a book but from interacting with another culture in mutual learning.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying Ecuador and respect its people. However I also more than ever appreciate the space of tolerance, openness and understanding that we strive to create in the IRC. Sometimes it might seem like we haven't accomplished enough in terms of presenting events or workshops or events, but the very fact that the space exists and that we are working to cultivate a consciousness different from the norm makes the IRC something unique and something to cherish. Can't wait to see you in the fall!

(posted by Sarah)

NadiSpring Break!

00:39 / Posted by monire / comments (0)

Hope that day lights savings isn't messing your schedule...anyways...have no fear: there is time to adjust: HAVE A WONDERFUL SPRING BREAK!

NadiThursday...except it's MONDAY

09:33 / Posted by monire / comments (0)

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Program presents:
Healing Experiences through Art and Transformation

Art Gallery Opening Reception:
Tuesday, March 10 6PM-8PM
Intercultural Resource Center 554 W.114 St.

With the theme "Healing and Transformation," one of our goals is to present art as an available outlet and form of expression as people experience the healing process. Everyone is welcome to attend the art show.

Refreshments will be served.

Any questions or for more information, contact Lana del Fierro.

Nadi Thursday Nights

09:20 / Posted by monire / comments (0)

Hello All,
So what is up with my allergies? Is anyone else feeling sniffly and sneezy (not due to a cold...but to allergies)? Haha, maybe I should do an epidemiological study about it.

But anyways, there will be a Gallery at the IRC this coming Tuesday evening in 554...so please come! Take a look! Chat! Etc =D
Also, there will be a Dessert & Discussion in the IRC one week from today. Topic: Interacial Dating.
The link today: some colorful pics =)
It will be a bit nippy out today/tonight so don't forget to bundle up...maybe some ear muffs?

Stay warm! Stay un-sniffly! And don't be too Nadi tonight ;)
