Criticism for the Stimulus Plan

09:41 / Posted by Frank Talk /

First off, I'm really happy that we have this space now. I think it will be a great tool for expression and communication. Hopefully we can keep in touch with all of the house members who are abroad! I also hope that not too much campus politics and gossip makes its way here. There are already enough spaces for that. However, the recent death of the SEAS student is quite depressing. With that said, I hope everyone is taking time out for self-care and that the rest of the house stays aware of the emotional signals of the other house members. One other quick point, I don't know how I feel about non-CPR members requesting a "day" to post. I think it would be best if the whole community had access to this thing all of the time. Perhaps as CPR members we can post more often and just keep this thread of communication going. The communication should be unedited and organic. I honestly don't see the use in screening any of the potential information.

Now on to the main reason why I decided to post a blog. I wanted to say something about the criticism of Obama's stimulus plan. I think the amount has topped 800 billion dollars now and I say keep it comin'. This is what the government is in place to do. It has spending and financial supporting power that no other entity has. If the government resources are not employed for this problem, then for what will they be employed? Is the government in place solely to wage war that "protects" its citizens? I think it is amazing how Obama's plan has not been contextualized with the spending practices of the former president. I would venture to say that Bush spent more money than Obama on a selfish project that did little to affect, let alone better, the lives of Americans. The Bush spending plan may have been more favorable to conservative thinks because it was farther removed from the actual lives of people but now is time to take care of business at home and ensure that U.S. citizens have jobs and security and that we may maintain our global hegemony!

Every politician deserves criticism. I am certainly not saying that we should follow Obama's every move (or perhaps we should, who knows really) but I think his plan should be seen in light of the kind of spending we have experienced in the past. Now the spending will lead to better schools, the opportunity for healthcare, the ability to get loans, job security, and the list goes on. I would rather enjoy job security than feel as though my president-in-shining-armor is keeping Osama bin Laden at bay in his terror lair.

To end on a lighter note. I think we should all forgive and forget Michael Phelps bout with weed. Like the one black woman CNN interviewed said, "he's only human, if he wants to smoke a weed joint, I don't see a problem with it." If you had 8 Olympic gold medals, millions of dollars, and didn't really know how to do anything but swim, what would YOU do??


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