Self Determination

16:11 / Posted by Frank Talk /

I was going to write economic self-determination. I was inspired by a man who I consider an athletic professor of mine to express some thoughts about reconciling institutional injustices of the United States and taking economic responsibility for oneself. I was even further inspired by a class I'm currently taking on Islam in Black America. We've now gotten into mid-20th century Nation of Islam early discourse which is fraught with self-determination rhetoric. In any case, in light of recent events I've decided to write on self-determination in a different context, our present context.

As a member of the IRC I do not feel that the process for admission of new members is as transparent as it should be. I realize that we have a group interview, after which there is a short discussion and a vote is taken. From my experience with admitting the three new members of 554, because we voted almost unanimously our decision didn't seemed to be changed with the final administrative word. But is this always the case? I think my contention is not whether or not the answer to that question is yes but rather that I feel that I have to ask that question at all. Do we feel as though we are an important part of the process? What goes into the final selection process? What is the weight and/or purpose of the individual interviews? For the sake of diversity and admitting people with fresh ideas and motivations, should not the process be entirely transparent? Shouldn't we have the final say? Why does no one ever ask any questions, no matter what the outcome is? And furterhmore, and perhaps most importantly, can the re-application process really be called RE-application? I know that we are trying to create a cohesive community here and that objectivity is hard to reach (if not entirely useless in some cases) but in the spirit of our new national politics, these processes should be displayed so that the people can hold responsible whom they see fit.



Anonymous on 2/23/2009 1:45 PM

Agreed! We want transparency! I disagreed with a few of the decisions that were made about who got in the house. I don't even know how certain people got in and certain didn't with how we voted. So much of it all seems "behind the scenes"

Comment by monire on 2/23/2009 3:46 PM

While I see your point, I have a thought below.

Thought: In the end, the onus does not lie on the students but the administration which prevents hard feelings towards those students who are not selected for the community. I would have to admit, that would create some ugliness...don't you think?

So there are a lot more dynamics involved. Additionally, wasn't it the administration in the first place who facilitated the very first application process...why should they not do that now? The fact that us students do have such great input at all is HUGE, so we should not forget that (and that we can always go to the administration and voice what is on our minds).

Dialogue is always essential so let's keep the dialogue (Thanks FrankTalk) =)

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