IRC family,
I write you from Dubai with a nice tan and a stomach filled with anxiety. On my way to Senegal this evening, which i am very excited about as well.
I just woke up to many messages from some of you about the IRC retreat this weekend and my eyes honestly filled with tears. To the new members of the family: I am so glad you got experience that. To the old members of the family: I am so glad you got to experience that.
My first instinct was a feeling of almost-regret (i generally don't allow full fledged regret. no space for that in my life!!) (Should I have stayed in NY this semester? I am really about to figure out this whole teleportation business, shouldn't that be an iphone app by now??) But then I replaced that thought with three words that to me mean a lot about what the people of the irc do, and who the people of the irc are (the two are but the same, no?) Here it goes:
[cheynj] verb, changed, chang⋅ing,noun–verb (used with object)1. | to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name |
2. | to transform or convert (usually fol. by into): |
4. | to give and take reciprocally; interchange: to change places with someone. |
5. | to transfer from one (conveyance) to another: You'll have to change planes in Chicago |
8. | to remove and replace the covering or coverings of: to change a bed; to change a baby. |
–verb (used without object)
| to become altered or modified: Colors change if they are exposed to the sun. |
11. | to become transformed or converted (usually fol. by into):The toad changed into a prince again. |
16. | (of the moon) to pass from one phase to another. |
–noun18. | the act or fact of changing; fact of being changed. |
19. | a transformation or modification; alteration: They noticed the change in his facial expression. |
20. | a variation or deviation: a change in the daily routine. |
23. | the passing from one place, state, form, or phase to another: a change of seasons; social change. |
to come through the doors of a brownstone on 114th with a story full of adversity. or no adversity. (maybe too cushioned a life that left your heart yearning for knowledge cause it knew it was missing some greater insight.) or maybe too much insight that it was crippling- of your own womyn(ness)/color/sexuality/class.... but you are given the tools not to forget, not to turn a blind eye, but to transcend and grow and change. change like maybe you change your mind on what bell hooks really means, change like maybe you grow and grow different, or maybe you affect the person next to you (or even in the frat next door-hah!). one of my favourite parts of that definition was to give and take reciprocally-- interchange. (ask mike when he's next making bake and break cookies)
and what i like most about "change" is that it is a verb and a noun simultaneously. it is but only cause it does, and it does but only cause it is.
and that tree in the picture? it was on the street here. it was a tree that decided it was going to endure 114 degree middle east heat, its roots were going to break through and transcend the wall that fought to stop its growth, and it was going to change the broken-down-rubble-filled street around it that never could've suspected its growth. and its change and its might would leave a little shaded solace for anyone who might by with a camera.
IRC family,
i know i will be growing on the edge of my comfort circle, and that you will too. i am so happy when i think of all of you and the ways you are moving and shaking. write me often, i miss you already (and those of you i havent met properly- im so excited!)
IRC family,
i see you | 43 up, 8 down  |
| Used when a person does something remarkable, noteworthy, or just downright wierd. |
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